The only way to feel gangster in your childhood, We all have at least once faked smoking a cigarette with these. The packing was very creative & it became so popular. These days, Its wraper designs could be seen on various merchandises, like mobile phone covers. For people who wanted to feel stylish with a cigarette without nicotine in it, there was a sweet benefactor in the form of ‘sweet cigarettes candies’. Contact us if you want to buy these. Check price online before buying.
This product is like a time machine for the 90's kid, it makes you remember the time you were young,it makes you remember the time you were stress free, and not only that it also makes you remember a time everything was simple. keeping aside the Nostalgia this product will keep you busy with chewing, Like the time we pretended to be adults while we were kids, thinking it is a real cigraette and showing that off to our friends. Value for money? Not so sure! But worth the memories, Because memories are priceless. sweet cigerate stick candies delhi buy online buy online sweet cigarette phantom harnik.